Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Online dating: How to date, without commitment

The title of this article might seem a bit mean. But this is not an article about how to take advantage of other human beings and hurt their feelings. It is the exact opposite actually! It is an article about how to be sincere with the person you date. How many times have you dated someone and though the date was great and they would call you back and they never did? How many times have you dates someone a couple of times and though you were in a relationship and then saw them on a date with someone else? Sad as they are, these things happen all the time. In order to make a world a better place, lets see how you can at least avoid doing them to others.

Do not feel guilty
If you decide to dateblack men and you go out on a date with one and he is downright awful, you can just make it clear that there is not going to be a second date. When it comes to interracial dating, many white women and black men dating each other feel that if they do not go on a second date, they will be considered racists. The guilt makes them promise a second date and then a third and so on. The situation keeps dragging like that until someone gets really hurt.

Do not make promises
If you went on a date with someone and you do not intend to repeat it, do not promise to call. Making someone wait over their phone full of hope is just cruel! You can instead say that you had a good time, but you feel that you should go out as friends next time. Yes, this is hard to say, but it is honest and you won't feel guilty afterwards.

Make it clear that you date others
white women dating
white women dating
When white women are dating, they often find it hard to be clear that they are dating more than one person during the same period. This happens because many people confuse dating with a relationship and women are afraid that their moral values will be questioned. Men might also not mention that they date others, but usually they do it because they do not want to hurt their date. This is a very bad practice though. If you have just met someone and this is your first or second date, do mention to them that you are in a dating phase and you need some time to figure out which person is the best for you. If they tell you that they do not agree with this practice, then try not to get angry. It is their right and it is your obligation to be honest.

Set a deadline
If your date agrees that it is rational to have a period when you also date others, then it is a good idea to set a deadline, in order to start dating exclusively. Or not date again. This way, when the day comes, you can call your date and let them know that they are perfect for you and you want to date exclusively. Or that you feel they would be better off with someone else, that could appreciate them fully. Setting a deadline might make you nervous, as it approaches, but it also helps both sides make decisions and stop wasting their time with multiple dates that might lead nowhere.

Do not date one to one
This can be a bit strange. But it works like a charm. Ask the person you are interested in to join you at a night out with friends. He or she can bring their own friends, if they like. This way you get to know them and the people they choose to be in their life as well. If you like what you see, you can arrange a one-to-one date. If you like them as friends, you can still go out altogether. Just keep in mind that his/her friends are scanning you as well!

Do not have sex on the first date
That one can be hard. If you are intensely attracted to your date, but you do not believe you could start a relationship with them, do not sleep with them on a first date. Some people get attached a lot faster, if there has been intimacy and they will be hurt and feel betrayed if you do not call for a second date. Spend some time getting to know the other person first and if you feel that there could really be a future, then you can enjoy naughty moments together. On the other hand, if you feel that your date is also attracted to you, you can be honest and mention that you do not see this thing turning into something serious, but you would love to have fun with them. They will either slap you or sleep with you.

Long story short, be honest about your intentions and your feelings and do not make any promises that you are not willing to keep. It might seem hard at first, but you will soon see that your dating life will become much less complicated. Happy dating!

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